Rashmi Pluscec is the author of poetry books Chaos and Desolate World , and a poet on anthologies Threads, Passages, Ballads and Word Fest . An active member of Poets of G+, her work has been featured on Dagda Publishing, CommuterLit, Yahoo Contributor Network, and Amazon. Rashmi was nominated for the 2014 Mississauga Arts Council Award for Literary Arts. Book Blurb - Desolate World Welcome to discord and discontent, to a hideous beauty and an enraged calm, to uninhibited anguish and unbridled fury. Welcome to a desolate world. Book Excerpt Wish Upon a Star from the womb of the farthest space, fell a brilliant star in a smudge of dizzying colours. It revelled in the primordial memories crowning an ancient universe. it gloried in the surreal knowledge upon which a world was built. and it carried in its heart, the seed of a whole new creation. perhaps an Einstein’s mind or a Beethoven’s heart. Or perhaps – just ...