Featured Author - Nicholas Boving

Today, I am honored to interview one of my mentors and an author I greatly admire. I have been very lucky to know him personally and to be coached by him. He is the first one I send a draft to if I am unsure about something. He is the one I share writing tips with (he shares most of them of course) and he is the one I talk to about books that frustrate the hell out of me (Gone Girl for example!). In short, Nicholas Boving is one of my favorite authors and more than that, he is my writing guide and teacher. Nicholas has worked as a mining engineer, as a docker, fruit inspector and forester. His diversity is evident in his books and screenplays. Nicholas is the author and publisher of the Maxim Gunn series of action/adventure books. He has written fifteen other novels: drama, thriller and action/adventure and several screenplays. Nicholas was kind enough to humor me and shared his thoughts about writing and the writing process. I am sure authors out there will be...